Mind Tool – MyBrain   Applied Neuroscience

As a result of its neuroscientific foundations, MiND has become one of the most effective tools ever developed for improving performance.


Accredited by the International Coaching Federation. The world’s first ‘neurometric’ tool, helps explain the ways in which people differ. Leading to improve in areas such as communication, relationships, leadership, sales, presenting, negotiating and much more.

Psychometric tools are limited to an analysis of how a person thinks and behaves. Neurometric additionally is able to provide a scientific explanation as to why a person thinks and behaves the way they do, and why other people may think and behave differently.

These differences exist because their brains work differently. It is the same reason why someone might be good at maths but struggle with languages – it’s got nothing to do with intelligence, but everything to do with their Neurological Dominance.


Since the various parts of the brain process information in different ways, a person’s Neurological Dominance strongly influences the way they are. A person’s Neurological Dominance, therefore, forms the foundation of their personality. Learning about Neurological Dominance can, therefore, benefit you in ways such as:

  • Strengths and development – It helps people understand why they are good at some things but less good at others. Why they are more motivated to get involved in certain tasks and tune out at other activities. People often find that knowing this helps them play to their strengths more of the time.

  • Self-confidence – People lack confidence when they feel that they cannot do something or that other people are better. The study of Neurological Dominance shows us that we all have different strengths and weaknesses and that we, therefore, make our contribution in different ways. By understanding their personal Neurological Dominance profile, we find that people are more confident in using their strengths, more accepting of their weaknesses and more tolerant of the weaknesses of other people.

  • Influence, persuasion, and communication – Because everyone is different, an understanding of Neurological Dominance can help people be more effective in influencing and persuading people. For example, while one person will prefer lots of data and facts, another will simply want to be briefed on the “big picture”. Understanding these differences and learning how to recognize them enables people to tailor their approach accordingly.

  • Team effectiveness – For a team to achieve its potential it is important that the members of the teamwork together to complement one another, but do the team members know each other well enough to achieve this? Running a Neurological Dominance workshop will enable team members to better understand the preferences of their colleagues and learn where the strengths and weaknesses of the group lie.

  • Career and Work-Life Integration – A lot of people have made career decisions based on factors such as pay, perks or location. Yet research suggests that the most successful people succeed because they are in jobs that they are suited to and enjoy. By understanding their Neurological Dominance profile, people are better able to match their career choices to their personal profile, thereby reducing stress and improving their performance.

Session Topics

  • How the human brain grows and develops.

  • How your brain filters, interprets and generalises information that affects your understanding of the world around you.

  • How the brain is made up of different physical elements that process information in different ways and influence the way you think.

  • Your brain dominance – during the workshop you will receive the results of a questionnaire that will identify your thinking preferences.

  • How to recognise other people’s thinking preferences simply by observing them.

  • How to vary your approach to other people in order to improve your influence and personal effectiveness.

  • Your team’s Brain Dominance – if you are attending the workshop with a team, the team results will also be provided to you to help identify strengths and potential ‘blind spots’.

To learn more about the fascinating subject of Brain Dominance and to discover your own Brain Dominance profile, speak to arrange a coaching, training/ workshop or talk.

Which side of your brain do you prefer to use when processing information, learning and communicating?

In this short simple self-diagnostic tool, you will examine which side of your brain you prefer to use when processing information, learning and communicating. 

Brain dominance infers that we have a preference for using one hemisphere of the brain over the other hemisphere.

This basic diagnostic is designed to reveal your “dominant side”.

Thus discover how you can use this insight to maximize your performance both at work and in life.

Please note this diagnostic is limited and basic in it analysis of how a person thinks and behaves.

Once you take the quiz you will have a chance to schedule a FREE Discovery Call

Your Journey  

An adventure of vulnerability, versatility and victory

The Problem

Questions about the journey.

  1. Are you looking to advance your personal performance?

  2. Are you wanting to improve your effectiveness in areas such as leadership, communication, influence, persuasion, sales, customer service and negotiation?

  3. Are you seeking ways to increase team performance, respect and collaboration?

The Solution

The journey towards solving the problem. 

  1. Provide a scientific explanation as to why a person thinks and behaves the way they do, and why other people may think and behave differently.

  2. With greater ease able to connect with different personas quickly and authentically.

  3. Enable you to more effectively build stronger, more successful relationships. 

Apply The Solution

We help you to succeed in the journey. 

  1. Carry out a MiND question to produce an individual specific straight-forward two-page report based on a four-factor model.

  2. MiND report provides feedback on how a person's energy and motivation is directed according to the relative weighting of styles and preferences.

  3. MiND report combined with coaching assist you to amplify your self-awareness in areas of leadership, communication, influence, persuasion, sales, negotiation and relationships.

Ongoing Success

Making it a success on your own.

  1. Review what truly works for you thus focus on your strengths.

  2. Provide feed-forward which consists of focus-oriented options or solutions.

  3. Access to resources that will serve and support you and get connected to us for further development.

What MiND Tool clients are saying

The workshop on Neurological Dominance was the best I have ever attended – fascinating informative and useful." - Boots

The MyBrain tools have given us a non-threatening language to use when discussing who in the team is best suited to what sort of tasks." - Capita

The only tool I have ever come across that is sufficiently memorable for people to be still using their knowledge years after they attended a course." - Santander Group

Schedule a FREE 30-Minute Discovery Call

Let's have a chat to get clear on your professional and personal goals. Find out where you are right now and how we can help you go from where you are to where you want to be.

Looking forward to hearing your story and discovering how we can help, serve and support you in moving forward.


Marina Plaza - Office 1004 -1006

Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE