Rejection is a divine redirection, towards something beautiful beyond your imagination.
Susan Jeffers, the celebrated author of the international best-selling book Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway®, has personally licensed Rohit Bassi to deliver the teachings of this inspiring book, which is hands-on and practical. Get insights and tools necessary for making unfulfilled dream, aspirations and lasting love a reality.
For your life learn to boost your confidence, rediscover your hidden potential and overcome inhibitions, doubts, and fears. For your relationship learn how to deal with many common relationships issues communication, trust, sex, changing times, children, money in-laws, compatibility, appreciation and so much more.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway® is for anyone who is allowing fear, doubt, worry or social anxiety to reduce their effectiveness and enjoyment of work and life. It presents easily and effortless naturally compelling emotional intelligence strategies which have proved effective for over 30 years.
Build confidence and raise levels of self-esteem
Move from being passive or aggressive to assertive
Release yourself from the paralysis of fear
Learn how it is impossible to make a mistake or wrong decision
Convert your negative thoughts into positive action
Take back control of your life from others
Distinguish between relationship entanglement and loving attachment
Strengthen greater self-expression in relationships
Heal and repair relationships during rough and tough time
Discover ways to express vulnerability with comfort
Develop a bond of deeper intimacy, trust and respect
Pass-through situations of disappointment, abandonment, loss or rejection
Please note the talk, workshop or coaching are not counselling sessions. During the sessions it is likely your emotions may be highly heightened and it is your responsibility to seek specialist support if required.
Take this “Whole Life” questionnaire and discover what areas of your life need focus, change or transformation.
This questionnaire will ask you nine questions to determine how much of a whole life are you are currently living.
Be honest and just go with your first impulse when answering the questions.
What stops me from being the person I want to be and live the life I dream of?
What could I do to pass through my fear, anxiety, worry?
What is the way of being resilient and antifragile when life gets rough Bullet Listand tough?
All you have to do to diminish your fear is to develop more trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way in life.
Ways to reclaiming your power (moving from pain to power). Taking our responsibility for our actions, feelings and emotions.
Live the whole way life to your Ikigai. Let go of any resistance in the moment of unexpected events and to let go of any fear in anticipating those events.
Familiarize yourself with your biggest enemy – your Chatterbox. Make your chattering mind a loving internal friend.
Figure out the payoffs that keep you ‘stuck’. Paradoxically, once you find them, you will discover ways to become ‘unstuck’.
Be aware of the many choices you have – in both actions and feelings – in any situation that comes your way.
Review what truly works for you thus focus on your strengths.
Provide feed-forward which consists of focus-oriented options or solutions.
Access to resources that will serve and support you and get connected to us for further development
Should be required for every person that can read! I recommend this book in every one of my seminars!" - Jack Canfield, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Dr. Jeffers has written a now-classic and helpful book for anyone who wants to get unstuck and live a happier more exciting life." - Harold Bloomfield, M.D., Author of How to Heal Depression
Living is taking chances, and 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway' has helped so many people, both men and women, to achieve success." - Louise Hay, Author of The Power is Within You
Let's have a chat to get clear on your professional and personal goals. Find out where you are right now and how we can help you go from where you are to where you want to be.
Looking forward to hearing your story and discovering how we can help, serve and support you in moving forward.
Marina Plaza - Office 1004 -1006
Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE