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The Ultimate Guide

The Ultimate Guide To 18 Powerful Team Building Activities (Face To Face or Online) of Time Ranges 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 & 30 Minutes

April 04, 20239 min read

In any work environment, promoting collaboration, communication, and team spirit is essential for success. Team building activities play a crucial role in strengthening relationships and improving overall team performance.

Whether your team is working face-to-face or remotely through video conferencing platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, engaging in team-building exercises can be both fun and effective.

In this guide, you will find compiled a diverse set of team-building activities suitable for various time ranges, from quick 5-minute icebreakers to immersive 30-minute challenges. Each activity includes its objective and instructions to help you easily implement them into your team-building sessions.

5-minute activities:

Quick Pictionary

Objective: To encourage effective communication and creativity within the team.


  • Divide the participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Each team will have a designated "artist" who will draw while the others guess.

  • Select a list of words or phrases related to the workplace or a specific theme.

  • Give the artist 30 seconds to draw the chosen word or phrase while their teammates guess.

  • Rotate the artist's role within the team.

For online sessions, use the whiteboard feature in the video conferencing platform.

Word Association Chain

Objective: To encourage quick thinking, communication, and teamwork.


  • Divide participants into teams or play as one large group.

  • Choose a random word to start the game.

  • Each participant must quickly say a word that is related to the previous word.

  • If a participant hesitates or repeats a word, they are "out" for that round.

  • Continue until there is one participant left standing.

For online sessions, use video or chat to play the game.

Human Bingo

Objective: To promote team bonding and learn more about each other.


  • Create a bingo card with a 5x5 grid and fill each square with a statement that applies to a participant (e.g., "has travelled to Europe").

  • Distribute the cards to the participants.

  • Participants must find other team members who match the statements and sign the corresponding squares.

  • The first participant to complete a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins.

For online sessions, use a digital bingo card and have participants ask questions verbally or through chat.

10-minute activities:

Two Truths and a Lie

Objective: To promote team bonding and learn more about each other.


  • Ask each participant to come up with two true statements and one false statement about themselves.

  • Each participant will share their statements with the group, in no particular order.

  • The other team members will try to identify the false statement.

  • Keep score to determine a winner or just play for fun.

For online sessions, have participants share their statements using chat or verbally.

Scavenger Hunt

Objective: To encourage team bonding and friendly competition.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Provide each team with a list of items to find within the room or their immediate environment.

  • Teams have 10 minutes to find as many items as possible.

  • The team that finds the most items wins.

For online sessions, have participants find items in their homes and share them via video or chat.

The Human Knot

Objective: To promote teamwork, problem-solving, and communication.


  • Divide participants into groups of 6-8.

  • Ask the groups to form a circle and have each person grab the hand of someone across from them (not directly adjacent).

  • The groups must work together to untangle the knot without releasing hands.

  • The first group to untangle the knot or the group that gets the furthest in the given time wins.

For online sessions, use a virtual knot-untangling platform or create a similar problem-solving activity using shared documents.

15-minute activities:

The Memory Game

Objective: To improve memory, concentration, and teamwork.


  • Arrange various objects on a table or create a digital slide with images of objects.

  • Give participants 30 seconds to memorize the items.

  • Remove the items or hide the digital slide.

  • Participants must work together to list all the items they can remember.

  • The team that recalls the most items wins.

For online sessions, use screen sharing to display the items and chat or shared documents for collaboration.

Back-to-Back Drawing

Objective: To improve communication and collaboration skills.


  • Pair up participants and have them sit back-to-back.

  • Give one person an image and the other person a blank piece of paper and a pen.

  • The person with the image must describe it to their partner without using specific names, while their partner tries to draw the image based on the description.

  • After 5 minutes, compare the drawings to the original images.

For online sessions, use screen sharing to display images and have participants draw on paper or using a drawing tool.

Balloon Tower Challenge

Objective: To encourage teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Provide each team with balloons and tape.

  • Teams have 15 minutes to build the tallest tower using only the provided materials.

  • The team with the tallest tower wins.

For online sessions, have participants use items available in their homes and share their towers via video or photos.

20-minute activities:

Escape Room Challenge

Objective: To foster teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Create a simple escape room scenario with puzzles and riddles that must be solved to "escape."

  • Teams have 20 minutes to solve the puzzles and escape.

  • The first team to escape or the team that makes the most progress wins.

For online sessions, use virtual escape room platforms or create a similar experience using shared documents and video conferencing.

Chain Reaction

Objective: To foster collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Provide each team with materials such as dominos, marbles, and blocks.

  • Teams have 20 minutes to create a chain reaction using the materials provided.

  • Once the time is up, each team will demonstrate their chain reaction.

  • The team with the most creative and successful chain reaction wins.

For online sessions, have participants use items available in their homes and share their chain reactions via video or photos.

The Alphabet Challenge

Objective: To promote teamwork, creativity, and quick thinking.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Assign each team a category (e.g., animals, food, countries).

  • Teams have 20 minutes to come up with a word in their category for each letter of the alphabet.

  • The team with the most complete and creative list wins.

For online sessions, use shared documents or breakout rooms for team collaboration.

25-minute activities:

The Marshmallow Challenge

Objective: To improve teamwork, communication, and creative problem-solving.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Provide each team with materials such as marshmallows, spaghetti, tape, and string.

  • Teams have 25 minutes to build the tallest freestanding structure using the provided materials.

  • The team with the tallest structure wins.

For online sessions, have participants use items available in their homes and share their structures via video or photos.

Idea Pitch

Objective: To enhance presentation, collaboration, and creative thinking skills.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Assign each team a problem or challenge related to the workplace or industry.

  • Teams have 15 minutes to brainstorm and develop a solution or idea to address the problem.

  • Each team will present their idea to the group in a 5-minute pitch.

  • The group can vote on the best idea or provide feedback for further discussion.

For online sessions, use video conferencing and screen sharing for presentations, and breakout rooms for team collaboration.

Building Bridges

Objective: To encourage teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Provide each team with materials such as straws, tape, and paper.

  • Teams have 25 minutes to build a bridge that can support a small object (e.g., a toy car) using the provided materials.

  • The team with the most stable and creative bridge wins.

For online sessions, have participants use items available in their homes and share their bridges via video or photos.

30-minute activities:

Cultural Quiz

Objective: To promote cultural awareness, communication, and teamwork.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Prepare a list of questions related to cultural knowledge, workplace culture, or global awareness.

  • Teams have 30 minutes to work together to answer the questions.

  • The team with the most correct answers wins.

For online sessions, use shared documents or breakout rooms for team collaboration and submit answers via chat or a shared document.

Role Reversal

Objective: To enhance empathy, communication, and teamwork by understanding different roles within the organization.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Assign each team a different role or job function within the organization.

  • Teams have 20 minutes to research and prepare a presentation on the challenges, responsibilities, and goals of the assigned role.

  • Each team will present their findings to the group in a 5-minute presentation.

  • Discuss the insights gained from the presentations and how they can improve teamwork and collaboration.

For online sessions, use video conferencing and screen sharing for presentations, and breakout rooms for team collaboration.

Shark Tank Pitch

Objective: To develop presentation, persuasion, and critical thinking skills while fostering creativity and teamwork.


  • Divide participants into teams of 3-4 members.

  • Assign each team the task of creating an innovative product or service related to the workplace or industry.

  • Teams have 20 minutes to brainstorm and develop their idea, including its unique features, target market, and sales strategy.

  • Each team will present their idea in a 5-minute "Shark Tank" style pitch to a panel of "investors" (this can be other team members, managers, or even external guests).

  • The "investors" will ask questions and provide feedback on the pitches.

  • The panel can choose a winning idea or offer constructive feedback to help refine the ideas.

For online sessions, use video conferencing and screen sharing for presentations, and breakout rooms for team collaboration.

Engaging in team-building activities is a powerful way to bring your team closer together, develop essential skills, and create a positive work culture. This guide offers a variety of exercises designed for different time frames, ensuring that you can always find an activity that fits your team's needs and schedule.

Whether you are conducting team building sessions in person or online, these activities will help promote communication, collaboration, and team spirit, ultimately contributing to the success and growth of your organization.

Remember that the key to effective team building is consistency, so make it a priority to incorporate these exercises into your team's regular routine to maximize their benefits.

team environment buildingpowerleadershipdecisionmakingproblemsolvingcreativity
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